Stress-Free Contractor Package

What’s included in the price

We will make sure that you are set up correctly with a PAYE scheme and payroll in place, completing all the stages below. Additionally, we provide unlimited telephone support. If you have any questions or want some advice then the dreaded clock doesn’t keep ticking.

What’s not included in the price

For any work additional to the annual quotation we will provide you with a separate written quotation before we start any work. The most common examples are Construction Industry Scheme returns.

Contractors Package

  • Check whether you need to be VAT Registered and advise on the correct scheme for you.

  • We will run your payroll and let you know the legal amount of dividend to take out each month.

  • Advise you when and how much VAT needs to be paid.

  • Calculation of maximum legal dividend payment

  • Calculation of VAT

  • Preparation of statutory financial statements and accounts

  • Review of your expenses to ensure you are claiming everything you are entitled to

  • Detailed review to minimise any tax charge

  • Written calculation of the company’s corporation tax

  • Completion of the company’s corporation tax return

  • Submission of all documentation to HMRC and monitoring online

  • Submission of your accounts (this is a shortform or ‘abbreviated’ version) to Companies House and monitoring online

  • Preparation and submission of the company’s Annual Return to Companies House

  • Preparation of the personal tax return for the company director.

  • Submit the monthly and annual PAYE returns for the director

Fair Pricing

Currently there is no VAT added to any of our fees.


£55 / mo

Contractors FD Services

£60 / mo

Added Extras

  • Providing you with free software, then all you have to do is input your sales and purchases – our software is very intuitive and will link with your bank account for minimal manual entries.
  • Review of your expenses to ensure you are claiming everything you are entitled to.
  • Sending drafts of documentation to you for your approval.
  • Sending you confirmations that the documents have been received, properly processed and accepted.

The Small Print

The quotation assumes that you will provide us with a straightforward summary of your trading transactions for the period. To guarantee we have sufficient time to prepare your accounts and returns by the deadline date (this is usually 9 months after the company’s year-end) we need to receive all relevant information at least two months before this. We cannot be liable for any HMRC penalties or fines arising for late returns if the information is received after this date. We may occasionally sub-contract work to external third-parties. Our business relationship may be cancelled immediately by either party. Generally prices increase by an average of 3% pa for inflation.

Switching? Get Sorted!

The process couldn’t be easier. Just let us know you wish to change and we do everything. We write to your previous accountants and any government bodies such as HMRC or Companies House. You don’t need to do anything else and it should all appear seamless to you.